Are you looking for an amazing getaway in Panthersville Georgia? If so, you have come to the right place. Here are a few of the best things to do in this charming city. Read on to discover what this area has to offer! This is a census-designated place in DeKalb County, Georgia, with a population of 9,749 at the 2010 census. If you are looking for an unforgettable getaway in Panthersville Georgia, make sure to check out these tips!
There are six homes for sale in Panthersville this month, a decrease of about 40% from last month and 175% compared to the same time last year. As of this writing, there have been only 6 home sales in Panthersville this month, which is 0% higher than last month. However, there are still plenty of opportunities to buy a home in Panthersville. If you’re looking for a great getaway, you can consider a home in the city’s historic district. The downtown area is also close to the city center, so you can walk to work or play in the evenings without worrying about traffic.
The distance between Panthersville and the surrounding cities is approximately 260 kilometers or 137 miles. A home in Panthersville should be close to a daycare centre, which is a must for any parent with a full-time job. There are many childcare facilities in Panthersville, including Creative Beginnings Academy, Wesley Chapel Child Care Center, Kidz 4 Christ Preschool LLC, and Kids Like Me Child Care & Learning Center. Also, being close to urgent care centers is a must for any family, and residents should not worry about a lack of access to these services.
According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 16% of Panthersville, Georgia residents are divorced. This number is lower than the national average of 10.8%. Georgia is also a divorce-friendly state, with 11.2% of people ages 15 and older filing for divorce. Although this area is relatively small in size, its percentage of veteran population is much higher than the average. When considering your future, make sure you look into all of the available information about Panthersville, GA before making a decision.
If you are looking to buy a home in Panthersville, consider how many people have African ancestry. More people in Panthersville, GA are of African descent than in any other neighborhood in the country. In fact, 16.3% of residents in this neighborhood are from Sub-Saharan Africa. Approximately 3.1% of Panthersville residents speak an African language. The language of the majority of Panthersville residents is English. In addition, Africans and Dominicans have some minorities in the area.
Crime in Panthersville is higher than the national average, but it’s still far below the level seen in many American cities. Crime rates are higher in Panthersville than in the rest of Georgia. Residents of these areas tend to be more likely to be robbed or killed by a stranger than residents of other areas. As such, these factors may be a factor in deciding whether to live in Panthersville or elsewhere. In order to make sure you’re safe, visit the city’s Crime Grade page.
As a general rule, residents of Panthersville, GA drive private automobiles to work. However, quite a few use public transportation to get to work, and 11.3% ride buses or carpool with friends. While owning a car isn’t absolutely necessary, many residents find that having one is useful. These statistics are not surprising because the city has a high percentage of residents who live in poverty. The median income for households in Panthersville, GA is $37,740. While this is significantly less than the national average of $65,712, Panthersville, GA is still higher than the median income for all nearby geographies.
Before development began, the area was mostly swamp and wild. Hence, it was named Panthersville. This area was home to a panther population. The name was also given to the town by its residents. As a result, it has a history of being a very unique community in the early 20th century. For instance, there was a public library in Panthersville, and it still operates today. The community has a vibrant cultural scene, including the Panthersville Theatre.
Affluence is a very important consideration for a place like Panthersville, GA. The local wealth index measures affluence on a number of factors, including average household income, net worth, and material possessions. The wealth index compares the area to the national average, with values above 100 indicating that the residents of this city are richer than the national average. However, there are still many factors that can determine the level of wealth in the area.